Why We Do What We Do?


After many illnesses and being sick of being tired and tired of being sick, we decided that we needed to change our diet. But that wasn't all. After listening to many farmers online and hearing what they were saying about the food supply we knew that we needed to take control of our own food.

Everyone is sick! We have the best health care professionals in the world yet we are the sickest country in the world. How is that possible? People come from around the world to be seen by American physicians yet no one ever gets cured of anything. We have the most medication and the most medicated people. Something is amiss.

Not everyone in the United States lives in the same geographical area yet almost everyone in America is sick. It's not because we eat meat because even vegans get cancer. So, it's not because we eat meat. So, what is it?

Why is everyone overweight? Why is everyone on medications? Why is everyone depressed? Why are children confused about who they are all of a sudden? The Elderly are sick. The young are sick. Babies are born sick. What is the common denominator?

We all eat food. It must be the food!


It's the food! It must be. So, if our food is killing us why are we eating it? If the food is making us obese why are we still eating it? If the food is messing up children's hormones making them confused (and I believe it is) then why on God's earth are we still feeding it to them?

I don't believe that God makes anyone anything that is contrary to nature or that is harmful to them in any way. I don't believe that God created children with cancer. I believe that they are incubated (in the womb) with cancer. What I mean is I believe that it's the food that the mom ate that caused the cancer in the baby. I'm not a doctor or a scientist but I do have common sense.

These things didn't just come from nowhere. There is something that we are doing now that we didn't do in times past that is causing these issues. And the only thing that has changed is what we are doing to our food supply. Sure one could argue that pollution has a part to play in all of this but in other countries where there is just as much industry (even more in some cases) they are not as sick as we are nor are their children so confused. So, what's the difference? They aren't poisoning their population through their food supply as we are. We put things in our food supply that other countries have banned.


We believe that we are not hear by chance. That everything that exists is because it was designed and created to exists in perfect order. I mean think of it. We have a sun that heats our planet and gives us life that if it were just slightly closer we'd burn up yet any further away we would freeze. That's perfect order. We have a moon that shines the light of the sun to give us light at night. That's thoughtful planning. Each plant carries it's own seed in itself according to it's own kind. That's creation. 

Yes, we are weirdos. We believe that everything that we see was created and that it was all created by an intelligent Creator. Not only is he intelligent but loving and gracious. He cares for us and he takes care of us. When he created us everything was perfect. He placed us in a garden that was beautiful and abundant. It was very good. We had all we needed to live and to thrive. But he also created us to have a free will. He gave us choice. A choice to love him or not. A choice to believe in him or not. Unfortunately we chose to not believe in him. We choice to believe that he was a lair and was keeping something from us that we needed.  And so we sinned. I say we because there is no one who would not have done the same thing. So, he kicked us out of that perfect garden and told us as a result that the land would have thorns and thistles so that we would have to work the ground with much trouble. 

Being the no it all humans that we are who have come to hate god and disbelieve in him we have tried to prove him wrong by making our work easy by poisoning the ground to get rid of the thorns and thistles. As a result we have poisoned our food and ourselves.

We try to escape our punishment by making labor easy with drugs that we think have no effect on the unborn child before it even breathes it's first breath. We are poisoning children in the womb by the food we eat and the drugs we take and then wonder why something is wrong when they come out as if it's God's fault. 


Our bodies are the only thing we came into the world with and they are the only thing that we take with us in the grave for those who believe they are the only things we will get back in the resurrection. God says that he doesn't dwell in temples made by hands but in these bodies that we have are his temple. How shall we treat them?

The temple of God should be a sacred place. A place that is untainted and clean. Our bodies are the only thing in this world that we can control. We cannot take away the rights of humans by asking them to give up their way of life and go back to horse and buggy just so that we feel good about taking care of a planet that God said we are here to subdue. God put this planet here for us, not us for it.

We cannot control what kind of vehicle someone chooses to drive nor should we try. But we can control our own bodies. We don't have to fill it with toxic foods and then hope for the best. We can control not only what we put in our bodies but what we put in our food but only if we control our own food.

This is why we do what we do. We are here to make sure that what we put in our bodies helps and does not harm us. We are here to share in the belief that there is a God and that he wants the best for us. So, we are here to offer the best quality of food for anyone who would like to become a part of our CSA.

Because we believe that you were fearfully and wonderfully made. Sickness and disease are not a result of the fall but a result of ongoing sin. The sin of not being a good steward of what God has given us. Our bodies! So, if you'd like to have not only a clean heart by repenting of sin and believing in Jesus as the sacrificial atonement for your sin but also have a clean temple for God to dwell in, then join us. Become a member of our or your local organic farmers' CSA.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result. If your parents had a poor diet and had heart disease, cancer, and died young and you adopted that same diet what makes you think that you will have a different result?

Sadly, we call this genetics or hereditary. No! If you ate the same poisonous diet that they ate then you will have the same outcome. Obesity is not genetic! Eating the same things that made your parents obese will make you obese. This is not how God simply made your family. Nor is it some generational curse. This is common sense. If you want to have a healthy body you have to put healthy things in it. So, where do you go from here? Do you want cancer, obesity, heart disease, or confused children? If not, then it's time to try something different!

If man made it stay far away from it! If it is a part of God's natural design raised, grown, and fed the way God intended then there is hope for your health. 🙂