Why are Organic Eggs More Expensive than Non-Organic Eggs?

The price difference between organic and non-organic eggs often raises questions about why organic eggs come with a higher price tag. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the higher cost of organic eggs, focusing on organic farm practices and sustainable gardening.

Organic Farm Practices

We started with chickens. Our first four chickens were the beginning of our farm. We raise them from one-day-old chicks from a poultry farm.
From day one they are given organic feed and all the fresh grass and bugs they can dig up.


Here are some reasons why organic eggs come with a higher price:

  • Organic Feed: Organic eggs come from hens that are fed organic feed, which is more expensive than conventionally produced feed. Organic feed is free from synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
  • Space Requirements: Organic farming practices prioritize animal welfare and require that hens have access to outdoor areas. This means more land is needed to provide enough space for the hens to roam, leading to higher costs associated with land use.
  • Disease Prevention: Organic farms prioritize natural methods for disease prevention and treatment, such as herbal supplements. These practices may require additional labor and resources, contributing to the higher cost of organic egg production.
  • Organic Certification: Organic farms must undergo rigorous certification processes to ensure compliance with organic standards. This certification adds costs to the production process.

Sustainable Gardening

I love going to the coop in the morning and getting the eggs.
Every time you open the nesting box it’s like opening a wrapped gift.
You never know how many eggs you will find or what color they will be.

Now let’s talk about sustainable gardening and its impact on organic egg prices:

  • Soil Health: Organic farming practices focus on maintaining and improving soil health through natural methods, such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and composting. These practices require more labor and resources compared to conventional farming, contributing to the higher cost of organic production.
  • Reduced Chemical Inputs: Organic gardening avoids the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, relying instead on natural pest control methods. This requires more intensive management and potentially lower yields, leading to higher costs.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Sustainable gardening practices prioritize biodiversity, water conservation, and ecological balance. These practices may require additional investments in infrastructure and labor, adding to the cost of organic egg production.

So, the higher cost of organic eggs compared to non-organic eggs can be attributed to:

  • Organic farm practices like using organic feed, providing ample space for hens, disease prevention, and organic certification.
  • Sustainable gardening practices such as maintaining soil health, reducing chemical inputs, and promoting environmental sustainability.

Despite the higher price, many people choose organic eggs for their perceived health benefits, animal welfare considerations, and support for sustainable agriculture.

If you’re interested in exploring and purchasing a variety of organic eggs, check out AProperFarm.com. They offer high-quality, organic eggs, as well as  produce and meats that align with your values and preferences. Happy egg hunting!

This little darling was one of the first chickens we hatched on our farm. 
before we simply bought our chickens from a hatchery with a wonderful variety of birds.