Our Family


Patches was found in the middle of a busy road after being hit by a car. She was just a tiny little kitten. She must have been living in the alley because she smelled terrible. James rushed her to the hospital and after she was determined to be OK he brought her home to be a part of our family (after many baths).


Bertha simply showed up at our door one day. We'd never seen her before so we think she was dump. She was so big that we named her Bertha. She's now our watch cat. She keeps the farm free of mice and other critters. We don't let her in the house because she fights with Sheba. Besides she loves it outside. When it's too cold we let her sleep in the potting shed where she has a nice fluffy cat bed and we even put those hand warmers under her to keep her warm.


Sheba was our first cat. I got her from a cat rescue because we had mice around the farm. The plan was to keep her in the house for a while so that she knew where she lived and who her family was then put her outside to be a mouse catcher. But the first day we brought her home she got in my lap and cuddled with me. If she wasn't in my lap she was in the dog bed with one or a couple of the dogs. She'd just squeeze in the middle and lay there like one of them. She was such a lovable cat that she's never been outside since I brought her home. So thank God Bertha came along to be the mouse catcher instead.


Boydee is famous! He has his own Website.  He makes animated children's videos about Jesus. He's a 17-year-old Yorkie who came to live with us after having been in the hospital from a poor diet. He came to us with a bag full of medication. That simply wasn't going to work in this family. So, we found a holistic vet, put him on a species-specific diet (raw meat) and now he's a healthy boy, who, Lord willing, will be around for years to come.


Flossy (a Yorkie mix) was dump near our property with another little guy. We never caught her friend but we caught her and took her to the vet. She was infested with ticks. But other than that she was a healthy dog who was just a bit traumatized by being dumped in the woods in heat of the summer.  But now she's happy and just part of the family and will never be dumped again. She's also the only girl (dog) in the house.


Bruce (a Black Lab) is another one who was probably dumped near our farm and led to our door by The Lord. He simply came to the door and asked to move in. So we took him to the vet, made sure he was healthy, and now he's a watch dog during the day outside and sleeps in the house on a soft bed at night. He's the biggest baby we have. But, he's a big gentle giant who is so sweet and lovable.
We've since fully fenced in our property to keep other animals out. But if we find any more out there wondering, lost, and afraid, we will make sure they have a home even if it's not with us.


Spike and Rocky
These guys are our children that we purchased as puppies from a reputable breeder who breeds designer dogs for a healthier dog. We got Spike first (Multi-Szu) when our dog Rusty died. There was no life in the house without a dog. So we got Spike. He was such a spunky and playful puppy that we had to get him a brother to play with. Rocky, a Yorkie-Poo was named Rocky because the day we brought him home he tried to box with Spike even though he was just a tiny thing. They have been loved so much that they never minded any other animals coming to live with us. To them it's just more siblings and friends to play with.


Charlie was the tiniest little box turtle who could fit in half of my hand when I got him. Now he hardly fits in my hand. He pretty much sleeps all day under his rock. We only see Charlie at breakfast and dinner time.


Fluffles was the sweetest most lovable bunny rabbit in the world.  She died one evening when I got home from church. I was devastated. I'd had her for a few years. She was the best tv buddy at night when everyone else was asleep. She loved nose kisses and cuddling with the dogs in the dog bed. She's buried in what will be the English Garden. She will rest under a rabbit topiary surrounded by Petunias since her middle name was Petunia.


It wasn't soon after I'd just bought  Fluffles a new house when she died. I couldn't bare to see it empty or take it out of the house. I was out one day at the local farm store and there was Hoppe begging to come live on the farm. Hoppe likes to hop around the house playing chase with Patches. She loves showing Patches that she's the fastest. All the dogs love her and simply leave her alone. I think she and patches are probably best friends.


We feed all our dogs and cats a healthy organic diet of raw meat, organs, high fat,  and supplements. We make our own keto-friendly dog treats to clean their teeth.

Charlie eats all sorts of organic leafy vegetables. He also gets some meal worms although not as many as he'd like. He loves those things!

Hoppe's diet is mostly Timothy hay but she also gets some fresh vegetables and the occasional carrot and a small piece of banana. We try not to give her too many high-sugar veggies.

All of our animals eat only organic. I mean, why should we feed our animals things that have been laced with chemicals and medications? We want them to live a long healthy life also. So, it's only the best for our babies.

We also use homeopathic practices when it comes to their health. We put apple cider vinegar in their water to keep them healthy. We also give them Oil of Oregano if they aren't feeling themselves. We mix it with a little olive oil and in a couple of days, they are right as rain.  
