CSA Membership


Exciting news! Membership opportunities are now open for you to join our organic farm shares. As a token of commitment, we kindly request a nonrefundable upfront membership sign-up fee of $100 (most CSA memberships require an upfront cost of $400-$700 for much smaller portions).

By contributing to the growth and sustainability of our farm, you become an integral part of our shared journey toward reaping the utmost rewards from God's abundant blessings.


Hey, why not consider spending less on those grocery store items with who knows what in them? Instead, you can invest in better food by buying locally, fresh, and organic. It's a win-win situation—you save money and enjoy higher-quality, delicious meals.



These prices won't last so be sure to get in on the deals now! 

Our boxes are meticulously packed with the crème de la crème of organic seasonal harvest vegetables.

Picture this: plump, vibrant produce handpicked at the peak of perfection, just for you. But here's a little heads-up: due to the limited quantities available, we won't be able to accommodate any exchanges or swaps for different vegetables. We want to ensure that you receive the absolute best of what nature has to offer, embracing the unique flavors and textures that each vegetable brings.


During the Summer through the Fall seasons, we proudly present a bountiful harvest of crops. Our offerings include a diverse selection of eggplants, a a large selection of various tomatoes, tomatillo, broccoli, string beans, beets, Brussels sprouts, green and purple cabbage, carrots, cantaloupes, honeydews, cauliflower, celery, collards, cucumbers, lettuce, Swiss chard, a variety of peppers, okra, different types of potatoes, sweet potatoes, zucchini and other various squash varieties, pumpkins, and sugar baby watermelons, and a few other melon varieties.


If you'd like to add additional Farm Fresh Organic eggs to "The Fork or The Spade" package they may be purchased for $4 per carton.

Because of limited quantities we are not offering eggs with "The Trowel" CSA Membership. 

Our Farm Fresh Eggs come in a delightful array of colors, from snowy white to rich shades of brown, and even the splash of pastel hues of green and blue. But what do these vibrant shells say about the taste within? While it may surprise you, the color of an eggshell actually has no direct impact on its flavor. Instead, it serves as a reflection of the breed of hen that laid it. Whether it's a blue egg from our Easter Egger or a brown egg from our Rhode Island Red, the taste of an egg is primarily influenced by factors such as the hen's diet, living conditions, and overall health. So, regardless of the shell's color, crack open an egg with anticipation, for it is the hidden treasure within that truly delights the palate.

The broadfork


If you find yourself craving the deliciousness of pork but not particularly interested in eggs or produce, we've got you covered! We're now offering Pork CSA Memberships exclusively for pork enthusiasts like yourself. 

If you're longing for pork that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also aligns with your values, we have something special in store for you! Introducing our Pork CSA Memberships, where you can relish in the purest flavors of pasture-raised, organically fed pork. What sets our pork apart is our unwavering commitment to health.

Our pigs are raised the way God intended, never receiving antibiotics, steroids, or medications. We believe in the power of wholesome, natural nutrition, allowing our pigs to roam freely and feast on organic goodness.

So, by joining our Pork CSA Membership, you not only treat yourself to exceptional pork but also support sustainable farming and animal well-being. It's a win-win for your taste buds and your values! (They litterally roam freely on our farm and we often find them playing with our Black Lab, "Bruce" or running around with the chickens.They even sometimes roll over for a belly rub. I call it tenderizing the bacon time. They are truely happy pigs.)

As a part of our pork CSA membership,  you'll receive a box filled with a delightful assortment of pork cuts. Indulge in a wide range of options, including bacon, ground pork, half slab ribs, chops, pork belly, Italian sausage, and ham steaks delivered once per month for a cost of $375.00

If you desire additional cuts, we offer a range of meats starting at $7.99 per pound up to $14.99 per pound. These additional options include ham, pork tenderloins, pork shoulder, pork loin roast, and whole slab ribs.

Before you sink your teeth into our wonderful Pork CSA membership, we kindly request an upfront, nonrefundable fee of $200. We want to be transparent about the purpose of this cost—it goes directly towards the processing of the delectable pork cuts that will soon find their way to your table. As well as feeding the next batch of pigs to ensure continual availability throughout the year. This investment ensures that our pork is handled with the utmost care, from the moment it leaves the pasture to its transformation into the mouthwatering cuts you'll relish. So, by joining our Pork CSA, not only do you secure your access to our premium pork, but you also contribute to the meticulous processing that guarantees its exceptional quality.
Simply fill out the form below and let us know you are interested in "THE BROADFORK" CSA Membership. 

This Winter

Get ready for a tantalizing winter banquet from your box, showcasing an array of nutrient-packed delights. Revel in the crisp freshness of kale, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, collards, and cauliflower, each contributing its unique flavor and texture.

Experience the earthy goodness of carrots and the refreshing crunch of celery. Green beans beckon with their vibrant green hues, while potatoes, both regular and sweet, alongside the inviting snap of fresh green beans.

And let's not overlook one of nature's superfoods—the sweet potato, offering a delectable finale to this bountiful winter feast!

Get ready to embark on a gastronomic adventure that will awaken your senses and satisfy your deepest cravings. Who's ready?


We will soon offer fresh organic pasture-raised chicken meat for a limited time.
Of the many chickens we hatched most of them turned out to be roosters.
We don't need more roosters so they will become chicken dinner.
It's a winner winner for you!

Get our farm fresh pasture-raised organic chicken at the giveaway price of 3.25/lbs before it's all gone!


Note: We have a limited quantity of our delectable produce and meat, which means our CSA memberships operate on a first-come, first-served basis. We want to ensure that everyone gets a fair chance to experience the incredible flavors and freshness we offer. So, if you're eager to secure your spot and indulge in our farm-fresh goodness, we encourage you to act swiftly. Don't miss out on this opportunity to savor the finest produce and meat—reserve your CSA membership today and join the ranks of our satisfied food enthusiasts!

Deliveries will begin in mid to late summer. Please be aware that our CSA membership is exclusively available to residents of Central Florida. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer shipping services for our items. However, we have designated pickup areas for your convenience. Alternatively, you are more than welcome to visit our farm, where you can meet our joyful animals and personally collect your farm-fresh organic groceries.

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