What Certifies a Farm as Organic?

In the world of agriculture, the term “organic” signifies a commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. But what exactly certifies a farm as organic? At A Proper Farm, your trusted Organic Farm in Central Florida, and the source of the Organic CSA in Central Florida, we believe in transparency and adherence to organic principles. In this blog post, we’ll explore the criteria and certification process that ensures a farm meets the stringent standards required to earn the label “organic.”

  1. Soil Health and Organic Farming:

    • No Synthetic Chemicals: A key criterion for organic certification is the exclusion of synthetic chemicals, including pesticides and fertilizers, from farming practices. A Proper Farm takes this commitment seriously, relying on natural alternatives and organic-approved substances to protect crops and soil.

    • Soil Health: Organic farms prioritize soil health through practices like composting, cover cropping, and crop rotation. Healthy soil is essential for nutrient-rich produce and is a cornerstone of organic farming principles.

  1. Planting and Harvesting Organic Produce:

    • Non-GMO: Organic certification requires that crops be non-genetically modified organisms (non-GMO). A Proper Farm strictly adheres to this rule, ensuring that all produce is free from genetic modification.

    • No Synthetic Growth Hormones: Organic livestock, if present on the farm, must not be given synthetic growth hormones or antibiotics. At A Proper Farm, any animals are raised with care, following these organic principles.

  1. Certifying the Farm as Organic:

    • Third-Party Certification: Organic certification is not a self-declaration. Farms seeking organic certification must undergo a rigorous evaluation by a third-party certifying agency. This impartial assessment ensures that the farm adheres to organic standards.

    • Inspections and Records: Organic farms like A Proper Farm maintain detailed records of farming practices and materials used. Regular on-site inspections by certifiers verify compliance.

    • Labeling and Traceability: Once certified, farms can use the USDA Organic seal, providing consumers with confidence in the authenticity of organic products.


At A Proper Farm, the journey to organic certification is a testament to our commitment to sustainable and eco-conscious farming. From nurturing soil health to upholding strict non-GMO and chemical-free practices, we take every step to meet the stringent criteria that certifies us as an Organic Farm in Central Florida. Whether you’re interested in our organic produce or exploring the options of our Organic CSA in Central Florida, rest assured that A Proper Farm’s dedication to organic principles is unwavering. Discover the essence of authentic organic farming at AProperFarm.com and join us in supporting a greener, healthier future.