
From a Backyard Farm to A Proper Farm





Welcome to a proper farm


Your destination for fresh, sustainably grown produce and humanely raised meats in Central Florida. Nestled amidst the serene landscapes, our organic farm is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality food that not only nourishes your body but also supports a healthy ecosystem.

Our commitment to sustainable farming practices ensures that every bite you take is bursting with flavor, goodness, and the knowledge that you're making healthier choices for your family. 

Join our CSA today and experience the difference of farm-to-fork excellence with A Proper Farm.

organic farm Central Florida

We raise all our animals on soy-free organic feed. As soon as it is light out they come out of the coop to roam free in open pastures.
(In the header video, are our very first set of girls, eating a frozen piece of organic melon. In the heat of the summer, chickens can easily become overheated so we always provide a shelter for them to find shade as well as providing them with a frozen treat to keep them cool).

organic pasture-raised pork

Our pigs range free in the field during the day and go into a pen at night to sleep inside a hut where they often go for shade during the summer months.
When they are out in the field they eat all the grass and roots they can dig up.

organic farm Central Florida

Plants and Veggies
We have a modest orchard along with a variety of berries bushes. The vegetable garden is ever growing and producing much food. We are currently taking memberships for our CSA. We will start our fall harvesting soon. JOIN NOW!

fresh garden harvest

Fresh Green Beans
Yellow Squash
Golden Corn
Okra flower

What is A Proper Farm?

Well, it's not arrogance I assure you. We lived in the city for many years with a large garden that we grew organically with a few backyard chickens running around.

It was a backyard oasis. Until the neighbors moved in. The neighbors on one side of us had huge dogs that would get bored and dig under the fence to attack our chickens. Thankfully our girls were very smart and always managed to hide. (Since our animals are all a part of a pack our dogs have no desire to chase our chickens. It's actually our chickens that chase our dogs)

Then our other neighbor sold part of their lot and a new house was built. They had new sod put in and while I begged them not to have chemicals sprayed they treasured their grass more than all my years of hard work in my garden. They had their lawn sprayed in the heat of the day and all I could smell was whatever was being sprayed just feet away from all my beautiful plants and vegetables.

I'd often say how we simply needed a proper farm with enough land to be so far away from our neighbors that it wouldn't matter what they sprayed. I also wanted to have roosters so that my hens had protection from predators. (Roosters were not allowed in the city because of all the noise). But if we had a proper farm we could have a rooster to take care of our girls. 

So, we sold our house in the city just at the right time and found a small piece of land with a large pond from which we feed our fruit trees on our Proper Farm. God is good! He blessed us with this land and we plan to use it to be a blessing to others. 

We sell our fresh organic eggs to people in our church for a fraction of the cost of chemically loaded eggs in the markets.

And now that we have more than a simple backyard farm we also have pigs and a cow. Now our girls have roosters to protect them from predators.

So, this is A Proper Farm in Florida, not better than anyone else's, simply better than what we had.



The Babies Are Here!

We have been blessed on A Proper Farm this year! We just had our third litter of piglets! Penelope delivered seven beautiful babies on the stormiest night with lots of rain and lightning but by God's grace, she and the babies are fine.

We've also hatched three sets of baby chicks this year. It's been a very blessed time on the farm. And we are grateful for the bunch of babies who are now a part of our farm. 


If you're longing for pork that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also aligns with your values, we have something special in store for you! Introducing our Pork CSA Memberships, where you can relish in the purest flavors of pasture-raised, organically fed pork. What sets our pork apart is our unwavering commitment to health.

Our pigs are raised the way God intended, never receiving antibiotics, steroids, or medications. We believe in the power of wholesome, natural nutrition, allowing our pigs to roam freely and feast on organic goodness.

So, by joining our Pork CSA Membership, you not only treat yourself to exceptional pork but also support sustainable farming and animal well-being. It's a win-win for your taste buds and your values!


As a part of A Proper Farm pork CSA membership,  you'll receive a box filled with a delightful assortment of pork cuts. Indulge in a wide range of options, including bacon, ground pork, half slab ribs, chops, pork belly, Italian sausage, and pork steaks delivered once per month for a cost of $375.00

If you desire additional cuts, we offer a range of meats starting at $7.99 per pound up to $14.99 per pound. These additional options include ham, pork tenderloins, pork shoulder, pork loin roast, and whole slab ribs.

Would you like to become a member of
A Proper Farm CSA?

We are currently taking a limited number of members for our CSA. If you are interested in a box of the best fresh-picked vegetables or fresh organic tender juicy pork in various cuts or pasture-raised fresh organic chicken in Central Florida then contact us to learn more.

Why settle for anything less when buying food when you can enjoy the freshest, most nutritious, and locally sourced options through a CSA? Besides, you won't find it cheaper or better at the grocery store!

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We Love Animals!

organic farm Central Florida
organic farm Central Florida
organic farm Central Florida
organic farm Central Florida

We have a host of animals on our farm. There are five dogs, three cats, a flock of chickens, Porky, Priscilla, Penelope, and their babies (pigs).
We also have a rabbit and a turtle as household pets. Meet our family